Personal Trainer Amy Jones of  Where Is The Work-Out, has been offering Cardio Kickboxing classes at Community Development Recreation (CD-REC) at 72 Bank Street as part of the 2009 Fitness Challenge. All the rage at fitness centers around the country, this workout borrows moves from the Thai sport of kickboxing to make participants work up a sweat. Amy leads the group through  warm-up stretches and then through specific punches and kicks, usually to the beat of dance-club music. The effect is an hour of moderate cardio exercise that improves overall fitness and flexibility and can be part of a weight loss strategy. Many participants are taking advantage of the reduced rates for classes offered through the Challenge. Click here for photos of last year's class. Contact CD-REC Program Director Grace Gerling, 508-679-0922, for more information.

(Top row)  Certified fitness instructor Amy Jones leads the group through a series of aerobic and strength-training exercises set to music. Though most of the participants are using hand weights, they are optional. (Middle row, left) Wayne Swenson of Fall River, who began working out with Amy several months earlier, stretches with the group. (Middle row, right) Richard Raicho of Fall River works with hand weights to extend the benefit of the work-out. (Bottom row, left) CD-REC Program Director gets some encouragement from Amy near the end of the hour. (Bottom row, center) John Belcher of Westport has been a regular participant in Amy's classes. (Bottom row, right) Heidi Parent of Somerset finds the workouts help to keep her in top shape.

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