Alumni of the Saint Anne's Hospital Freedom from Smoking group gathered on October 27, 2009, at the Hospital to share experiences with members of the current group that began on October 6th. Dixie Tavares, R.N., who leads the program finds that these sessions are as good for the former smokers as they are for the newly-quit. "Former smokers come here to reinforce a decision they made five or ten years earlier that changed their live," notes Tavares. "And those who have just quit a week ago get a lot of confirmation of the importance of the decision they just made," she added. This program offers eight weekly sessions to guide persons through the process of quitting. This is the program is guided by the American Lung Association curriculum, which is also offered on-line. The St. Anne's program is offered several times a year for a nominal registration fee of $25. For more information, call 508-674-5600.

(Top row, left) Fall River Public Works employee Charlie Denmead, who quit several months ago following a heart attack, talks with Herald News reporter Derek Vital for an article to appear in the paper. (Top row, center) Jim Kelly talks with Harvey Schwartz about his struggle with quitting smoking. (Top row, right) Sixteen year cessation group alumna Beverly Andree talks with Mary Ann Hemingway who quit smoking nearly eleven years ago. (Middle row, left) Mary Ann describes her experiences as Mary Manchester, who quit recently following a heart attack, listens. (Middle row, center) Rehabilitation nurse Dixie Tavares talks with Carolynne Schwartz who joined the group several weeks earlier to get support in quitting. 

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