Members of the Greater Fall River Child Protection Council held their 33rd annual meeting at McGovern's Restaurant on December 2, 2009. Awards were given to Dr. David Weed, coordinator of the Healthy City initiative and to Jenny DiBlasi, director of the Family Advocacy and Community Education Division of People, Inc., Keynote speaker Jack Simons described the new behavioral health treatment system recently put in place under MassHealth. Formed in 1976 as a project of the Clinical Social Work Department of St. Anne's Hospital, the Council deals with issues and problems related to the network of children's protection care. The Council also provides cash assistance to single parents in need through Gammons funds. Click here for photos of last year's breakfast and here for photos of the  30th anniversary meeting of the Council held in 2006. For further information about the Council, contact co-chairpersons Pat Reardon or Laura Dellaire at People, Inc. at 508-679-5233.

(Top row, left) Community participant and co-chair Pat Reardon opens the event by welcoming over fifty attendees at McGovern's Restaurant. (Top row, center and right) Dr. Weed and Ms. DiBlasi respond to their awards with appreciation and praise for the work of the Council. (Middle row, left) CFC Family Planning Making Proud Choices!  program coordinator Ann Medeiros, People, Inc. CEO Robert Canuel and Children In Balance project manager Marcia Picard join in applauding Jenny DiBlasi. (Middle row, right) Brenda Viveiros, from BMC HealthNet Plan, talks with Council secretary Linda Hennessey of HealthFirst Family Care Center as Gail Perry from the Parent Mentor Program looks on. (Bottom row, left and right) Assistant Director of Children's Behavioral Health Interagency Initiatives Jack Simons, Ph.D., describes recent reforms of the mental health treatment system under the Rosie D settlement. (Middle row, center) Council co-chair Laura Dellaire of People, Inc. and Janine Gendreau award door prizes during the breakfast.

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