For the past nine years, clients of the Corrigan Mental Health Center group homes have held a relay race to emphasize the importance of physical activity among the residents. This year, group home residents were joined by other Center clients and staff for a relay race on October 1, 2009, at the Bristol Community College soccer field. Corrigan clinical services director Greg Cowan, an avid runner who organizes the event every year, was on hand to organize over thirty runners into teams for the competition. "It was great having staff and clients competing together," noted Cowan. "I think it helps clients to see staff running along with them, showing that physical activity is important for everyone," he added. The Department of Mental Health (DMH) is committed to improving client health through its Healthy Changes Initiative which will include a total end to smoking in all of its facilities and on all of its campuses as of December 7, 2009. Click here to see photos of last year's race.. Click here to see photos of the new fitness center funded in 1997 in part by a Healthy City micro-grant. For more information about the program, contact Greg Cowan at 508-235-7200.

(Top row) Runners line up at the starting line as Corrigan clinical services director Greg Cowan signals the start of the race. (Second row, left) John Cabral and Sharon Hu cheer the runners on. (Second row, center) Jason West takes the baton for the second lap. (Second row, right) Director of staff development Deb Jean cheers ad Corrigan Mental Health Center Superintendent Steven Figueiredo starts the next lap. (Third row, left) Amanda Fennessy hands the baton to the next runner on her team. (Third row, center) Paul Santos overtakes Kersti Ribb and Melilssa Reed on the next lap. (Third row, right) Savanna Mueller rounds the corner. (Fourth row) William Johnson crosses the finish line for his team as Greg Cowan points to the winning team. (Bottom row) Greg congratulates Jamie Soares before Steven Figueiredo hands the trophy to Primitivo Rodriguez and Jamie Soares, Carlos Pavao ande Tammy Gomes of the winning team.

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