In response to some parents’ complaints of “cyber bullying” incidents occurring among some Henry Lord students, the B.O.L.D. (Building Our Lives Drug-free) Coalition and the Henry Lord Parent Teachers Organization (PTO) invited parents, teachers and interested citizens to learn about the dangers of cyber bullying and social networking among young people today at Henry Lord Middle School on March 24, 2009. The two-hour presentation by Dr. Elizabeth Englander, parent and Director of the Massachusetts Aggression Reduction Center at Bridgewater State College, covered all aspects of threats from the increasing use of electronic communications among youth. Many parents are unfamiliar with a world that young people operate in through the use of the internet, cell phones and text messaging. B.O.L.D. has also sponsored other projects for parents, including smoke-free families, drug paraphernalia, and youth access to alcohol. For more information about the BOLD Coalition, contact Program Director Karen Fischer at 508-324-3537. For more information about the Henry Lord PTO, contact Maria Tocco at 508-675-8208.

(Top row, left) S.P.E.A.K. Program Director Sharlene Swainamer chats with Fall River Schools Health Director Susan Sterrett before the presentation. (Top row, right) Claudette Levrault, whose godchild attends Henry Lord Middle School and PTO member and parent of a 6th grader, Clara Reagan wait for the start of the presentation in the school auditorium. (Middle row, left and right) Dr. Englander, School Committee member Marilyn Roderick, Lisa Manning of Catholic Social Services, Karin Wood of the B.O.L.D. staff, and Henry Lord school principal Debra DeCarlo chat before the event.

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