Over two hundred people poured into Community Development Recreation headquarters for he first Challenge event

of the 2009 Fitness Challenge. Held on January 24th, two weeks after the first weigh-in event, this Challenge focused on weight loss and exercise. Mark and Jay Kruger, contestants in last year’s NBC’s Biggest Loser television program talked about their experience in losing 129 and 91 pounds respectively. "It's got to be a total lifestyle change," said Mark describing how he has been successful in maintaining his weight loss over the past year through daily workouts. Fitness instructor Amy Jones reinforced that message with recommendations on how to eat while working on losing weight. "You have to eat," she emphasized. "Don't make the mistake of thinking that the best way to lose weight is to go without food. What you have to do is to make sure that what you're eating is good for you. You've got to eliminate the chips and soda. Drink water instead," she suggested. Healthy Lives Program coordinator Mike Ramos then offered advice and information for smokers and people who live with smokers. "I lived through two collapsed lungs while smoking, so I know how strong the addiction is." He invited participants to visit the tables to get information about cessation methods and resources and to hear a presentation by Claude Curran, M.D. on dealing with nicotine addiction. Click here for the video of the event. Click here to see other photos of another Challenge event. For information on the Challenge, call CD-REC at 508-679-0922 or go to


(Top row, left) Mark Kruger takes questions from the audience after talking about his experiences with weight loss on the Biggest Loser television show. (Top row, center and right) Certified fitness trainer Amy Jones gives her recommendations for getting started with eating differently and takes questions from Felix Rodriguez and Awelia Smith. (Middle row, left) Twenty-two year smoker Lisa Powers announced that she just quit smoking for this Challenge after participating in the Challenge last year as a smoker. (Middle row, center) Jay Kruger addresses nearly 200 people at the Challenge event. (Middle row, right) Healthy Lives coordinator Mike Ramos talks about his experiences with quitting ten years ago. (Bottom row, left) Leslie Gurski and Jen Almeida from Pfizer answer Jennifer Lazaro's questions. Cindy Cooperstein from Glaxo Smith Kline was also on hand to respond to questions. (Bottom row, center) Jeannette Henderson tosses a pack of cigarettes into the "Buy Back" box after quitting three weeks ago and losing twenty pounds. (Bottom row, right) Fall River psychiatrist Claude Curran, M.D., explains why it is so hard to quit smoking from a neurochemical point of view.

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