The Fall River Fitness Challenge held its 2009 Finale at the Eagle Restaurant on May 9th celebrating the conclusion of the four-month series that began on January 10th. Over seventy-five participants and their supporters got to her remarks from Fitness Instructor Amy Jones, Mark Kruger from the NBC television show "The Biggest Loser, 2008 Challenge winner Daryl Parrent and Healthy City Fall River coordinator Dr. David Weed. Community Development Recreation (CD-REC) Executive Director Grace Gerling and Program Director Jamison Souza emceed the gala event that ended with the award of prizes for the winning participants as well as raffle prize drawings. Representatives of the Children in Balance program, the Diabetes Association, Inc. (DAI), the Fall River Municipal Employee Wellness program, the UMass Extension Nutrition Education program, the WIC program, and the Fall River YMCA were on hand to applaud the winners. Click here to read the Herald News article about the event and here to see the YouTube video of an interview with winner Nykie Marzilli. Click here to see the video of the entire event and here to see Amy Jones' remarks. Click here to see photos of last year's Finale. Contact CD-REC Executive Director Grace Gerling, 508-679-0922, for more information about the event.


(Row one) Brenda Brulotte of the "Going Postal" team and Steve Terceira help themselves to some of the good healthy food provided by the Children in Balance program. (Row two) Jennifer Lazaro applauds Amy Jones as she receives recognition for providing leadership and personal training to hundreds of Challenge participants. Amy then shared some of her reflections on the past four months. (Row three) Rene and Bob Morro listen as Mark Kruger from the NBC television show "The Biggest Loser and 2008 Challenge winner Daryl Parrent share their experiences. (Fourth row) Jeffrey Estrella and Jean Souza accept the third place team award, Rene Morro accepts the first place team award for the "Big Mamas", and Nykie Marzilli goes up to the stage to accept her first place award for the biggest percentage weight loss. (Bottom row) Jamison Souza congratulates the winners before announcing the total Challenge weight loss of 5,057 pounds among 800 participants, a 63% increase over the 2008 total of 3,180 total pounds lost.

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