The City's Healthy Lives project announced the designation of twenty city restaurants as Healthy Dining Restaurants under guidelines established by the Fall River Department of Health and Human Services and Healthy City Fall River on June 11, 2009. A reception was held in the atrium of Government Center featuring sample food from ten of the establishments invited to receive awards. "The response to our invitation is a clear indication that local establishments are interested in providing options to people who choose to eat a healthier diet," commented Healthy Lives coordinator Mike Ramos. Restaurants had to meet eight criteria to be given the designation. "Restaurants need to understand that serving healthy food is good for business," noted Mayor Robert Correia who spoke to staff at each of the food tables. Healthy City Fall River coordinator David S. Weed, Psy.D. commented on the challenge that most people face when confronted with the high calorie foods at many establishments. "It's one thing to eat high calorie foods on special occasions," commented Weed, "But too many of us are eating celebratory foods every day, resulting in increased weight and resultant medical problems like cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Click here for the Herald News article about the event. For more information about the walking routes, contact Michael Ramos at 508-324-2427.

(Top row, left) Daniella Conti and Tom Medeiros of Tim Horton's and Cold Stone Restaurant stand behind some of their healthy sandwiches and delicious apples. (Top row, center) Mayor Correia asks Natasha LePage about Wendy's Restaurant display of their healthy offerings. (Top row, right) Cecile Lister of the Brayton Avenue Subway Restaurant stands behind her healthy sandwiches. (Middle row, left) Ashley Valois of the Boston Market Restaurant at 12th and Pleasant Street serves some sample sandwiches to Heather Salva and Suzanne Raposa. (Bottom row, left) Healthy Lives coordinator Mike Ramos thanks the restaurant owners for their participation before introducing Mayor Correia for his remarks. (Bottom row, center) McGovern's Restaurant representatives Paul McGovern and Ronnie Hipolito featured some healthy salads at their table. (Bottom row, right) Healthy City coordinator David Weed makes reference to Dr. David Kessler's recent book, The End of Overeating, that details the challenges of finding healthier foods in America's restaurants.

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