The World Health Organization has labeled stress a “worldwide epidemic.” Stress is a factor in obesity, heart disease and other preventable conditions that cause 70% of the deaths in Massachusetts. The Partnership for a Heart-Healthy, Stroke-Free Massachusetts held its its annual conference at the Beechwood Hotel in Worcester on January 30, 2009, to highlight some of the recent research on the role of stress in heart disease.  Vincent Felitti, M.D., researcher on the negative impacts of adverse childhood experiences on adults and one of the principal investigators of the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study, a long-term, in-depth analysis of over 17,000 adults that matches their current health status against eight categories of adverse childhood experiences, delivered the keynote address. Peter Schnall, M.D., M.P.H., clinical professor of medicine at the University of California Irvine Center for Occupational and Environmental Health followed that address with a presentation on the role of occupational stress in causing hypertension and cardiovascular disease. His research demonstrated a significant association between psychosocial stress and ambulatory blood pressure and increased cardiac mass. Dr. Schnall directs a non-profit foundation, the Center for Social Epidemiology. For information about the Partnership, contact Partnership Coordinator Peggy Kocoras at 413-477-6404.

(Top row, left) Massachusetts Department of Public Health Commissioner John Auerbach opens the conference at the Beechwood Hotel that drew over 150 health professionals from around the Commonwealth. (Top row, center) Dr. Felitti begins his presentation that describes the findings of the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study demonstrating a link between early life events and later risky health behaviors. (Top row, right) Dr. Peter Schnall talks about his findings that indicate that work stress is the predominant factor in elevated high blood pressure. (Middle row, left) Conference attendees Clara Savage and Cathy O'Connor look over the literature on the prevention and treatment of heart disease and stroke. (Middle row, right) Peter Lee, Director of the Massachusetts Partnership for Healthy Communities introduces the speakers for the workshop on "Place Matters" video from the Unnatural Causes series that was shown to illustrate the sources of stress in community settings. (Bottom row) Clara Savage, Ed.D., Coordinator of Common Pathways in Worcester, Elmer Freeman, M.S.W., Executive Direcctor of the Center for Community Health Education Research and Service (CCHERS) in Roxbury, and Peter Proulx, Director of Facilities Management for the Fall River Housing Authority, talk about the contribution of housing and other community resources in reducing stress and disease.

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