The new Matthew J. Kuss Middle School on Globe Mills Avenue was dedicated on June 25, 2009, the last day of school, with nearly 200 invited guests and 75 sixth-graders in attendance. Speakers at the program included Mayor Robert Correia, Sen. Joan Menard, City Council President Joseph Camara, School Committee Vice Chairman Mark Costa, Kuss Oversight Chairmen Matthew Zenni and Karl Hetzler, former Mayor Carlton Viveiros, Massachusetts School Building Authority Executive Director Kathleen Craven and Matthew Kuss III, son of the school’s namesake. The building is named for Matthew Kuss, a former local businessman and state representative who helped to bring Bristol Community College to Fall River and win university status for the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. The new building includes a 500-seat auditorium, gymnasium, library and a television studio that can double as an emergency response center. Classrooms in some sections of the school are also designed like spokes off a wheel hub, with the center serving as an area that teachers can bring multiple classes together and conduct team teaching practices. A baseball and all-purpose field are also included on the 9.8 acre site overlooking Mount Hope Bay. Click here for the Herald News article about the event. For further information about the school, contact Kuss Middle School principal Nancy Mullen at 508-675-8335.


(Top row, left) Dean Proyous and Matthew Kuss II talk with former Fall River School Superintendent Richard Pavao. (Top row, center) Seated, Rebekah rose, Monica Bouchard, Leona Chau, Shane Fernandes and Branden Quental, and standing, Joe Cesar marty, Derek Desrosiers, band director Tobias Monte and Joe Pietropaolo, were on hand to play at the dedication ceremony in the auditorium. (Top row, right) Former Mayor Edward Lambert, Jr. is greeted by Mayor Robert Correia and State Senator Joan Menard at the reception. (Middle row, left) Al Calcagno, Fall River Public Works director Al Calcogno, Al D'ambrosio,Ken Pacheco, Rod Ramsey, Al Oliveira and Jeff Cabral gather at the reception. (Middle row, right) Natalie Lourenco, cousin of Matthew Kuss, Maria Tavares and Ron Cote, vice-principal of Kuss Middle School from 1978-1980, tour the school. (Bottom row, left) Matthew Kuss II and III chat with Dean Proyous and City Councilor Steve Camara. (Bottom row, right) Gennaro Cerce, Peter Ricci and Cindy Pinardi from Duro Industries next to the school return from the event.

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