The Massachusetts Public Health Association (MPHA) held its annual meeting in Marlboro, MA, on November 20, 2009, with a focus on policy change. MPHA used the event to roll out a three-year Act FRESH campaign using state and local policy to improve food and physical activity environments and to support local agriculture around the Commonwealth. Keynote speaker Mark Winne has worked on food and agriculture policy for over 30 years and is the author of: "Closing the Food Gap - Resetting the Table in the Land of Plenty". His presentation was followed by a panel made up of representatives of food and activity advocates from around the state, including Dr. Weed from Healthy City Fall River, and break-out sessions by region in which participants were invited to build action steps on local and statewide food and build environment policy campaigns and other opportunities for collaboration. For more information about the campaign, contact MPHA Deputy Director for Program and Policy Terry Mason at 617- 524-6696, ext.103.

(Top row) MPHA Executive Director Valerie Bassett welcomes participants to the conference before introducing keynote speaker Mark Winne, shown in a promotional photograph. (Middle row) MPHA Deputy Director for Program and Policy Terry Mason hands out material to University of Massachusetts Extension Nutrition Education Program director Pat Bebo and New Bedford Mass In Motion coordinator Pauline Hamel. (Bottom row, left) Terry Mason leads a break-out discussion group with conference participants from Southeastern Massachusetts. (Bottom row, center and right) Healthy City Fall River coordinator David Weed, Psy.D., left, comments on efforts that the City of Fall River is making to improve food and physical activity environments and to support local agriculture before participating in the break-out session.

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