The Massachusetts Public Health Association (MPHA) invited community health workers and others to a free workshop on

Policy Advocacy for Equal Access to Healthy Food and Exercise on December 9, 2009, at Stanley Street Treatment and Resources (SSTAR) in Fall River. The intent of the workshop was to build advocacy skills, learn about policies to improve kids’ access to healthy food, and to encourage participants to become part of the wellness movement. Discussion centered on ways that participants could advocate for improvements in the opportunities that Fall River residents have to obtain healthier food and opportunities for fitness. MPHA is rolling out a three-year Act FRESH campaign using state and local policy to improve food and physical activity environments and to support local agriculture around the Commonwealth. Click here for photos of a recent MPHA conference on Fair Food and Fair Play that dealt with similar issues. For more information about the campaign, contact MPHA Deputy Director for Program and Policy Terry Mason at 617- 524-6696, ext.103.

(Top row) SSTAR dietitian Joan Barrett, R.D., HIV counselor Jason Demoranville, Diabetes Association community health worker Grace Diaz, SSTAR diabetes community health worker Sonia Talavera, and SSTAR health access counselor Bea Dean listen as MPHA Deputy Director for Program and Policy Terry Mason goes over some of the reasons that obesity has become such problem among children and adults. (Middle row) SSTAR HIV service coordinator Albert Rufin and Lisa Alves of the Women, Infants and Children (WIC) program listen as Terry uses a Jeopardy game to introduce ways that participants can advocate for and improved food supply in the Southeastern region of the state. (Bottom row) Jason makes a point as Kathleen Christianson of the UMass -Dartmouth Office of Campus and Community Sustainability, Grace Diaz and Bea Dean listen and respond.  

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