Participants in the CFC Family Planning Making Proud Choices!  program have been working throughout the fall of 2009 at the Salvation Army on Bedford Street to help low-income families by preparing food bags and sorting clothing. "We're here every week," commented CFC Safe Teen Health director Robin Mello. "These kids have been terrific!" The project developed as a way for youth participating in the program to give back to the community. Making Proud Choices!, a Science-based Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program, stresses that abstinence is the best way to prevent HIV, other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and pregnancy. The program aims to reduce the risk of HIV/STDs and pregnancy among youth through small group two-hour sessions where teens watch videos and participate in discussions, games, role-playing, and other exercises. After completing the program, youth are expected to have greater knowledge about HIV/STD and pregnancy prevention, better negotiating skills, and reduced risk-taking behaviors. Currently, there are 18 community−based organizations in Massachusetts funded to provide science−based teen pregnancy prevention programs. For information about the program provided by Citizens for Citizens, contact Lynda Sampson at 508-679-0198 or 508-673-2400.

(Top row, right) Sarah Jeffries, Jalen Castro and Alynthia Agosto assist CFC Safe Teen Health director Robin Mello in gathering items for food bags at the Salvation Army. (Top row, center) Jalen joins Jessica Perreira, Sarah and Alynthia for a photo. (Bottom row) Robin directs Jessica, Alynthia, Jalen and Sarah in assembling clothing items for distribution to low income families and individuals at the Salvation Army.

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