Students from Fall River's YOUth VOICE (Volunteer Organizations to Increase Community Engagement) were honored for the work that they did to promote a Youth Bill of Rights at the Massachusetts Youth Forum on October 24, 2009, held in Marlboro. The Forum brought together over 700 youth throughout the state and promoted civic engagement on the part of youth. Members of Youth VOICE held two workshops during the day on the Fall River Youth Bill of Rights. Lillian Phoung, a member of Team FRESH as well as a Governor's Youth Council member, helped her fellow members help organize the event. For more information about the project contact Healthy Youth Task Force co-chairs  Christian McCloskey at 508-324-2419, or Jamison Souza at 508-679-0922. (Photos courtesy of Jamison Souza)

(Top row, left) Matt Nhem talks about the Youth Bill of Rights. (Top row, center) New members of Youth VOICE from New Bedford enjoy the morning gathering. (Top row, right) Lillian Phuong talks with Peaceful Coalition coordinator Brendan Sullivan and Youth Services Coordinator Christian McCloskey during a break. (Middle row, left) Members of Youth VOICE present their work on the Youth Bill of Rights. (Middle row, right) Sarah Jeffries of Making Proud Choices leads a workshop on (Bottom row, left) Youth VOICE members Glenda Ortiz & Jessica Pereira share a laugh together. (Bottom row, center) Massachusetts Promise Fellow Annemarie Sharkey and Lillian Phuong talk with youth Taylor Kinzler from New Bedford & Nitia Rajani from Taunton about joining Youth VOICE. (Bottom row, right) Jessica Wong from Team FRESH and, Ronnie Chot, Dennis Hoeung, Pheaktra Sambun from Peaceful Coalition share a photo op.


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