Since 2003, scores of people have died on the Southcoast from opiate overdoses and unfortunately that trend continues to increase. The Massachusetts Department of Public Health, through a federal SAMHSA grant, has mobilized community coalitions to address this issue. Pathways and Partners is a collaborative informational forum that brings people from New Bedford and Fall River areas together to learn how to address this critical issue. A forum on June 26, 2009 held at White's Restaurant brought together over 100 stakeholders, providers, consumers, and family members to learn up-to-date information on the statewide effort to reduce overdoses and an opportunity to share ideas. Unintentional (i.e., non-suicidal) fatal and non-fatal opioid overdoses are the leading cause of injury death in Massachusetts surpassing the number of deaths from motor vehicle injuries. Efforts to reduce these numbers are the focus of MassCALL2, a planning and program implementation grant funded by the Massachusetts Bureau of Substance Abuse Services (BSAS). Click here for photos of the initial planning session and here for a subsequent session. For more information about the project, contact Project Coordinator Jenna Lagasse at 508-324-2415.

(Top row, left) Jaclyn Maillows and Alyssa Morse of Steppingstone in New Bedford look over the materials on the agency display tables before the conference begins. (Top row, center) Southeast Center for Healthy Communities staff Sarah Parmenter, Melissa Jean-Charles, Stephanie Patton and Allyson Scherb talk before the presentations. (Top row, right) Pastor Ben Borrego of the Homeless Connections talks with Butler Hospital outreach coordinator Joy Vaudreuil. (Middle row, left) PAACA executive director Carl Alves welcomes the participants in the morning conference at White's of Westport. (Middle row, right) Maryanne Frangules from the Massachusetts Organization for Addiction Recovery sits at the table with Southeast Center for Healthy Communities staff. (Bottom row, left and center) MassCALL2 coordinator Jenna Lagasse makes some opening remarks about the Power to Save Lives Coalition and Learn2Cope before welcoming keynote speaker Alicen J. McGowan, Ph.D. (Bottom row, right) Susan Pacheco of Project New Beginnings talks with Mary Cochrane while Rosa Medeiros of the First Step Inn run by Steppingstone uses the forum for an opportunity to network.

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