Students in the SMILES (Southcoast Mentoring Initiative for Learning, Education and Service) mentoring program at the Fonseca School held an open house on May 26, 2009 for members of the school staff and invited guests. The event was attended by SMILES executive director Jim Mathes and program manager Marie-Frances Rivera who were introduced to the children and guests by program facilitator Colleen Millett. Each of the mentor-mentee teams got up and gave their own personal reflection on their relationship, some of which are now several years old. The program at the Fonseca School has been meeting every Tuesday afternoon since last October and included a recent field trip to the Stop & Shop supermarket. The SMILES program offers programs at a number of Fall River elementary and middle schools and also includes a new literacy mentoring program for first-grade students. For more information about the program or to volunteer to serve as a mentor in other programs, call (508) 999-9300 or e-mail Nicole Almeida at


(Top row, left) SMILES program manager Marie-Frances Rivera thanks the children for attending the program as  program facilitator Colleen Millett listens. (Top row, center) Jerome Dymond, Angelique Cordero and Sarah Sylvia work on a poster together. (Top row, right) Mentor Catarina Bauer shares a laugh with her mentee Ashley Cordero. (Middle row, left) Mentor Sharon Orellano listens as her mentee, Angelique Cordero, reads her description of their relationship. (Middle row, center) SMILES executive director Jim Mathes praises the volunteers for making the program a success. (Middle row, right) Mentor Diane Medeiros holds hands with her new mentee, Megan Oliveira, as they get to know one another. (Bottom row, left) Mentor Bob Horne gets a pat on the back from his mentee Jerome Dymond. (Bottom row, center) Mentor Lisa Stratton listens as her mentee Sarah Sylvia talks about how important their relationship is to her. (Bottom row, right) Mentee Frankie Defreitas listens as his mentor, Dave Weed, talks about his many talents.


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