Colorectal, prostate and lung cancer rates are higher in Southeastern Massachusetts than in other regions of the state. While prevention efforts are underway to reduce smoking and obesity rates linked to some forms of cancer, early detection and treatment remains the best response to this life-threatening condition. Southcoast Hospitals held an open house for their new Southcoast Center for Cancer Care at Charlton Memorial Hospital on October 3, 2009. The facility provides radiation oncology, medical oncology and support services such as nutrition counseling, social services and even transportation. The program is lead by oncologist Therese M. Mulvey, M.D., Physician-in-Chief/Medical Oncologist, and staffed by five other oncologists who work with a clinical team composed of more than 30 professionals. Click here for the Channel 10 news broadcast about the Center. For more information about Southcoast Center for Cancer Care, call 877-822-2732.

(Top row) Radiation therapist Mary Crouse demonstrates how the new CT scanner will provide computerized pictures of tumors. (Middle row, left) Pumpkin carver Sean Fitzpatrick shows central service technicians Russ Gonsalves, Christine DeSousa and Scott Bernardo some potential patterns that he can carve in the visitor hospitality tent. (Middle row, center) Visitors leave the Southcoast Center for Cancer Care building following one of the tours. (Middle row, right) Deana Wilson provides information for visitors in the hospitality center. (Bottom row, left) Radiation technician Gene Cardarelli demonstrates the linear accelerator used for external beam radiation in cancer treatment. (Bottom row, center and right) Karen Souza, R.N. talks with Anthony Azul of Taunton who came for a tour of the facility.

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