Leaders of the Corky Row Tenants Association of the Fall River Housing Authority organized the second annual heart-healthy walk to benefit cancer treatment at St. Anne's Hospital on September 19, 2009. Association president Carmen Z. Andino worked with secretary Viviana E. Reyes, vice-president Arleeen Abreu and treasurer Alejandrina Hernandez to plan the event along with Wilma Tejada, Bernell Singletary, Priscilla Andrade, Yoely Calderon, Sherry Warner and James Parsons. The event included an information table from representatives of the YWCA Women's Center in New Bedford and walkers from around the neighborhood and the City. The Junior R.O.T.C. honor guard from B.M.C. Durfee High School led the parade from Griffin Park in the center of the Corky Row neighborhood to Middle Street and around Kennedy Park. At the conclusion of the parade, pink balloons were released to symbolize those who have passed away due to cancer. For more information about the event, contact Mrs, Andino at 774-451-7926 or, Mrs, Reyes at 774-365-9114 or Fall River Housing Authority manager Karen Costa at 508-675-3562.

(Top row, left) Jenny Fortes from the YWCA Women's Center in New Bedford shares a laugh with Alejandrina Hernandez as she hands out materials about cancer detection and prevention. (Top row, center and right) Walkers gather in Griffin Park for a word of prayer in Spanish by Pastor Anibal Rios of the Camino a Cannan Church. (Middle row, left) Bernell Singletary, Alejandrina Hernandez, Viviana Reyes, Carmen Andino and Arleen Abreu, who organized the walk, pose together for a photo. (Middle row, center and right) Honor guard members Jason Linhares, Balvin Thomas, Ryan Frederick and Frank Ammorin lead the walkers out of Griffin Park and up Branch Street to Second Street. (Bottom row) Walkers pass Saint Anne Shrine on their way around Kennedy Park and back to Griffin Park for the balloon release.

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