Program partners for the “Discover Fall River Now”  program  gathered at the Battleship Cove Carousel on July 3, 2009 to recognize the youth guides for their involvement. “The tours will enable them to further their educational pursuit, develop some special presentation skills, learn about the history of the area they come from, learn to interrelate with a diversity of the public, and to really present the city in its best light that they can." noted Jim Caulkins, Director of the Bristol County Training Consortium and the Bristol Workforce Investment Board that funded the program. A 45-minute trolley tour of key downtown and Lower Highlands sites and attractions followed the announcement. The tours allow city visitors to experience the historical sites and learn about the city’s renewable energy initiative, history, architecture, arts and culture with local youth serving as historical interpreters and storytellers. “Discover Fall River Now” is a collaboration between Community Development Recreation, the agency that received the grant, and the City of Fall River. For more information, contact Maureen Estes at 508-726-2915.

(Top row. left) Beth Viveiros, youth coordinator of the Youth Connection program of the Bristol County Training Consortium is greeted by youth guides Bethany Wilding and Kendra Viveiros at the Carousel. (Top row, right) Jim Caulkins, Director of the Bristol County Training Consortium, is greeted by youth guides. (Middle row, left and right) Mayor Correia praises the work of Maureen Estes and others in preparing the youth as tour guides as CD-REC executive director Grace Gerling, Arts United president Jeff Carpenter, Ms. Viveiros, and Work Access director Lisa Cabral listen. (Middle row, right) Mr. Caulkins talks about the educational value of the program for the students. (Bottom row, left)  Youth guide Amanda Viveiros talks about her training as Mr. Caulkins and Fall River Chamber of Commerce president Robert Million listen. (Bottom row, center) Ms. Estes presents Mayor Correia with an official youth guide tee-shirt and badge. (Bottom row, right) Lizzie Borden Museum owner Lee Ann Wilber, City grant writer Jane Dibiasio and Grace Gerling board the city trolley for a tour of the downtown and historic Highlands area of the city.

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