The Unnatural Causes video series continued with its third in a series of four programs at the Heritage Park visitors' center at Battleship Cove on May 6, 2009. Organized by the Access to Healthcare Task Force of Partners for a Healthier Community, Inc., the program featured the fourth and fifth half-hour videos in a series of seven programs produced by California Newsreel in association with Vital Pictures. The series was presented on PBS television over the past year to help reframe the national debate about what we as a society can, and should, do to address our glaring health inequities. The two videos presented during this evening focused on the causes of the high incidence of diabetes among the Pima Indians of Arizona and the improvement in asthma rates in a Seattle Housing Authority development through architectural re-design. Click here to see photos of the first session. For more information about the series, contact Director of Community Relations and Development Paula Harrison at 774-627-1204.

(Top row, left) Deb Ignani of the Family Service Association, Jocelyn Andrade of B.M.C. HealthNet, and Pat Fanning of the Family Service Association, talk over a light dinner before the video. (Top row, right) Students from the Diman L.P.N. program talk with their instructor Karen Ellenwood, right, prior to the video. (Middle row, right) HealthFirst Family Care Center Director of Community Relations and Development Paula Harrison opens the discussion. (Bottom row, left) Pat Fitta and Patricia Davis from the Fall River School Department and Virgina Senna-Davis from the Diabetes Association share their observations form the video. (Bottom row, right) L.P.N. students share their thoughts stimulated by the video.

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