The public had the opportunity to air their concerns, ideas and opinions on the ongoing traffic problems around the Carlton M. Viveiros Elementary School at a hearing held at the school on November 10, 2009. The event was prompted by a proposal that nearby resident Deanne Orabona made to the City's Traffic Board to have Slade and other streets around the school made one-way to alleviate the back-up of parents coming to the school each day to drop off and pick up some of the 800 students who attend the recently-constructed school. People in attendance spoke both for and against the proposed route changes while airing a host of problems associated with the current situation. Board members in attendance included Director of Traffic Laura Ferreira, Maplewood Neighborhood Association president Jeanne Santos, Public Works director Ken Pacheco, Bank Street Neighborhood Association president Natalie Melo, Fire Department chief Paul Ford, and Sgt. Furtado of the Fall River Police Department. A representative of the Massachusetts Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program met with students on October 7th to encourage more children to walk to school, thereby potentially alleviating some of the traffic problems.

(Top row, left) Scott Street resident Deanne Orabona explains her proposal to the Traffic Board to make Slade and other streets one way in an effort to improve traffic flow around the school as parents attempt to drive their children to and from school. (Top row, center) School committeeperson Marilyn Roderick listens as Joyce Palazio makes a point. (Top row, right) Police Sgt. Furtado offers to increase police presence in the area as Mayor-elect Will Flanagan and others listen. (Middle row, left) Manuel Mello asks about the original decision to change the direction of one-way King Street as School committeperson Joseph Martins and City Councilor-elect Eric Poolin listen. (Middle row, center) Public Works director Ken Pacheco takes a question from 47-year resident Henry Langlais as Traffic Director Laura Ferreira listens. (Middle row, right) Parent Rebecca McComb describes how she parks several blocks from the school and walks her daughter to the school each day. (Bottom row, left) Deanne Orabona clarifies her recommendations. (Bottom row, center) Fire Department chief Paul Ford speaks against making Slade Street one-way as Natalie Melo and Sgt. Furtado listen. (Bottom row, right) Children In Balance project manager Marcia Picard and Viveiros School principal Deb Bessette listen to the panel's response.

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