Children at the Samuel Watson Elementary School received some guidance in how to tend their school garden from Derek Christianson of Brix Bounty Farm in Dartmouth on July 20, 2009 when he visited to give some pointers to the young gardeners. The garden was planted in May through the efforts of school staff and community volunteers and funding from the “Children In Balance” (CIB) program in the Fall River elementary schools. Students are learning valuable lessons not only in nutrition but also in botany, biology, math and geometry through the project. "It's been a wonderful project," commented school principal Nancy Martin Bernier. "I'd recommend that every school establish a garden as a learning tool," she suggested. The garden also helps the school to implement the Fall River School's Wellness Plan which includes guidelines for nutrition and fitness.  Click here to read the Herald News article about the project. Click here to see photos of the garden when it was first planted. For more, contact Project Manager Marcia Picard at 508-324-2228. (Photos courtesy of Marcia Picard)


(Top row, left and right) Derek Christianson of Brix Bounty Farm talks with the young gardeners about plant growth, seed selection and how best to care for plants. (Top row, center) Derek hands out sample seeds to Justin, Dawson and Jacob. (Middle row) Derek helps students add organic fertilizer to the plants as students work the mixture into the soil. (Bottom row, left) Serenity displays one of the corn plants that is getting ready to tassel. (Bottom row, center) Janiel gets some advice from Mr. Christianson. (Bottom row, right) fourth-graders Tatiana and Janiel hold up two of the cucumbers that they harvested from their garden.

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