A kick-off to a peaceful school year, organized by Massachusetts Promise Fellow Annemarie Sharkey as a way to reconvene YOUth VOICE (Volunteer Organizations to Increase Community Engagement), took place at CD-Recreation on September 24, 2009. A follow-up to the Peace By Piece Summit held on March 28th, the interactive event encouraged participants to create peace flags with messages of hope. The event preceded the first meeting of the school year of YOUth VOICE. Youth leaders made plans for participating in the Governor’s Statewide Youth Initiative, organizing another Martin Luther King CommUNITY Service Project and facilitating a regional youth summit next year. YOUth VOICE is a "super group" comprised of representatives from several youth leadership groups who are actively involved in making a difference in their community. The mission of YOUth VOICE is to connect the different groups to each other, to provide leadership training, to offer an opportunity to share information, to increase civic engagement, and to work collaboratively to develop a youth action plan for the City of Fall River. For more information about the project contact Healthy Youth Task Force co-chairs  Christian McCloskey at 508-324-2419, or Jamison Souza at 508-679-0922.

(Top row, left) Massachusetts Promise Fellow Annemarie Sharkey hands out construction paper to make peace flags to Pheaktra Sambun, Thai Nguyen, and AmeriCorps outreach and technical coordinator Deborah Orlando. (Top row, center) Annemarie and Team FRESH member Jillian Mello check the progress of the peace flag construction. (Top row, right) Annemarie describes how the peace flags replicate Tibetan prayer flags which carry the hope and dreams of their people into the wind. (Middle row, left) Jessica Pereira and Sarah Jeffries of Making Proud Choices and Jennifer Benjamin of Team FRESH work on their flags as others work on theirs. (Middle row, right) Ann Medeiros, Jessica Pereira and Peaceful Coalition staffer Ine Ogagan work on their flags. (Bottom row, left) Ine Ogagan, Lillian Phuong,and Michael Nhem talk to Durfee High School advisor Tom Khoury. (Bottom row, center) The group gathers for a meeting of YOUth VOICE. (Bottom row, right)  Annemarie Sharkey, left, hangs a string of peace flags.


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