A merger of the Healthy Youth Task Force and the Shannon Grant Steering Committee has created Fall River Youth CHOICES (Community building and mobilization for Healthy youth development through positive Opportunities, Intervention and prevention, Collaboration, Empowerment and Support to ensure success) that consolidates all youth development planning and coordination activities for the City. This single group will now oversee all issues that affect youth, including youth substance abuse and violence prevention and any intervention involved in preventing youth risk behaviors. At its first organizing meeting on December 2, 2009, representatives of over a dozen groups reported on their current activities and upcoming plans.  This Partners for a Healthier Community designated Work Group will work closely with school systems and community agencies to ensure an integration of programs and objectives. For more information about the project contact co-chairs  Christian McCloskey at 508-324-2419, or Jamison Souza at 508-679-0922.

(Top row, left) Virginia Thach reports on some of the projects with which she is involved as Brian Velozo of YouthBuild listens. (Top row, center) Massachusetts Promise Fellow Annemarie Sharkey describes the activities with which she is involved including the PLOT community service activities. (Top row, right) Youth CHOICES Task Force co-chair Christian McCloskey describes the merger of the Healthy Youth Task Force with the Shannon Grant steering committee that will become Youth CHOICES. (Middle row, left) Michael Nhem talks about some of the Peaceful Coalition activities. (Middle row, right) Stephanie Joyal of the Katie Brown Educational Program talks about youth programming. (Bottom row, left) United Neighbors of Fall River executive director Wendy Garf-Lipp describes plans for the March 27, 2010 Peace By Piece event. (Bottom row, right) Christian McCloskey listens to a suggestion from Christian Berrios.


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