Fall River Youth Court volunteers joined forces with the Bristol County District Attorney C. Samuel Sutter’s Office on December 16, 2009 to assist the Salvation Army in putting food bags together for distribution to low income families.  The groups arrived with Christmas presents in hand and quickly set about assembling over 650 bags in the facility's gymnasium under the direction of Second Assistant District Attorney Paul Machado and Youth Court’s Community Service Coordinator Nina Sousa. Fall River Youth Court was established in 2009 by a collaborative advisory board that consists of members from the Fall River Police Department, Fall River Schools, Bristol County District Attorney’s Office, and the City of Fall River . Youth Court is a peer driven juvenile diversion program that typically hears cases of first time offenders allowing them to take responsibility for their actions and make amends for the harm they have caused. Trained youth attorneys and a peer jury hear the cases and determine appropriate sanctions for the respondent. Youth are referred from schools, police and courts. Hearings utilize courtroom space made available at the Fall River Police Department.  For more information about Fall River Youth Court, contact 508-979-1580 or visit our website at

(Top row, left) Fall River Youth Court volunteers arrive at the Salvation Army headquarters with gifts. (Top row, center) Major Elizabeth Deming from the Salvation Army describes the task at hand. (Top row, right) Fall River Youth Court Community Service Director Nina Sousa distributes bags to the youth volunteers. (Middle row, left) The Diman and Durfee High School Youth Court volunteers work to fill up the 650 food bags. (Bottom row, left) Assistant Director Terri Belliveau opens a new box of food. (Bottom row, center) Youth Court Advisory Board Member Gabriel Andrade brings a box to the table for packing. (Bottom row, right) Second Assistant District Attorney Paul Machado explains the tasks to Dennis Collins as he joins in the project.

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