The fifth annual meeting and award celebration for the B.O.L.D. (Building Our Lives Drug-free) Coalition was held on June 10, 2010 at Stanley Street Treatment & Resources. Awards were presented to a number of community members who have supported the Coalition's efforts over the five years of its efforts to reduce youth substance use throughout the City. Youth who worked on a school spirit project at B.M.C. Durfee High School, and project volunteers Jenna Legasse, Amanda Donovan and  Shannon Reynolds were recognized for their special contributions to the BOLD effort over the past year. BOLD Coalition Director Karen Fischer, who will be leaving to move to New London, CT, was also honored by staff and volunteers for her tremendous efforts to bring the Coalition together around a number of important accomplishments over the past four years. To see photos of last year's event click here and for the previous year's event, click here. For more information about the BOLD Coalition, funded by a  SAMHSA grant at Stanley Street Treatment & Resources call 508-324-3537.

(Top row, left) BOLD Coalition Director Karen Fischer outlines the many accomplishments of the BOLD Coalition over the past several years but cautions that there is much more work to be done. (Top row, center) Ms. Fischer, who is leaving to work in New London, CT, is honored by her staff and advisory board members. (Top row, right) Power 2 Save Lives Coalition Director Jenna Legasse describes some of the work of that group. (Middle row, left) Newly re-elected BOLD Coalition Chairperson Jasiel Correia II talks about the important work that the Coalition and Teens Against Drug Abuse (TADA) have been doing to address underage drinking as Chris Parayno looks on. (Middle row, right) New youth members Megan Brown, Ashley Galvin, Ryan Kennedy, and Joshua Gove are asked to stand and be recognized. (Bottom row, left) Durfee High School Sophomores Tyler Winn and Ben Feitelberg are honored along with their parents for their positive efforts to rally hundreds of students to cheer the girls' basketball tournament at the Boston Garden. (Bottom row, center) Jenna Legasse, pictured with her husband, Peter, is honored for her many contributions to the BOLD Coalition. (Bottom row, right) Shannon Reynolds of the YEAH project is honored with her parents and Susan Wolfson from BOLD for her work on the project with Amanda Donovan.

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