The Building Our Lives Drug-free (BOLD) Coalition held its annual planning meeting on January 14, 2010, in the classroom at SSTAR with a focus on developing an informational campaign on marijuana use with the objective of keeping use from increasing. A “Marijuana Risk and Harm” public communications campaign will educate and inform the community at-large about marijuana use. The campaign will also reinforce those who support not using marijuana, by incorporating relevant research into tools to use in reaching those on the edge, and contemplating using marijuana. According to a recent CASA white paper, "many teens are using marijuana more intensely than in the past. Rates of daily marijuana use among 12th graders tripled from 1992 to 1999 and have stubbornly resisted significant change since then. In 2007, approximately [five percent] used marijuana on a daily basis." Marijuana is not a benign drug. Marijuana can be addictive; it interferes with critical brain functions, like learning and memory. And it may pose a threat to the health and well-being of children and adolescents at a critical point in their lives--when they are growing, learning, maturing, and laying the foundation for their adult years" stated the study. For more information about the campaign, contact BOLD Coalition director Karen Fischer at 508-324-3537.


(Top row, left and right) Alex Rodrigues and Lance Tehan give feedback from their discussion groups on a proposed graphic for the marijuana risk and harm campaign. (Top row, center) BOLD evaluator Donna Caldwell records the recommendations of the discussion groups. (Middle row, left) Fall River School Department representative Donna Gouveia and retired director of counseling for the Fall River Schools Ed Costar listens as former school health director Sue Sterrett makes a point about the proposed campaign. (Middle row, right) B.M.C. Durfee High School ROTC cadet Markus Watson shares his point of view as Maille O'Brien, Julia Stachura, Alesha Gilbert, and Jasiel Correia II listen. (Bottom row, left and center) Alex Rodrigues and Amanda Mello discuss campaign ideas with SMILES Mentoring director of Fall River operations Katje Fuson and then listen to other groups' ideas. (Bottom row, right) BOLD staffer Susan Wolfson talks with Ed Costar after the meeting as Providence College freshman and BOLD Coalition vice-chair Jasiel Correia II talks with Jenna Lagasse of the Power 2 Save Coalition.

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