Representatives of seven of Fall River's nine elementary schools gathered in the Kuss Middle School community room on June 23, 2010 for a final summary meeting on Tufts University’s “Children In Balance” (CIB) project in Fall River schools. Project Coordinator Marcia Picard reviewed the highlights of the two-year grant and the accomplishments of each of the school principals in increasing physical activity and improving nutrition for students in grades one through three. Ms. Picard then introduced University of Massachusetts Extension Nutrition Education Program Director Pat Bebo and Food Service Supervisor Nancy McCloskey, and as well as staff from Community Development Recreation, the SMILES program, Mass In Motion, the Diabetes Association, the WIC Program, the YMCA, and Youth Services. Fall River Health and Human Services Director Dr. Henry Vaillancourt and Partners for a Healthier Community Chairperson Billie Jane Valente praised Ms. Picard's excellent work and pointed out how each aspect of the project will continue through projects such as Community Gardens, Healthy Markets, Parks Advocacy and Worksite Wellness. Click here for photos of last year's meeting. For further information about the project, contact Project Manager Marcia Picard at the Fall River Schools where she will be working as School Wellness Coordinator after July 1st.


(Top row, left) Diabetes Association Director Mike Ramos congratulates Ms. Picard for her work on the project as Lisa Alves of the WIC Program and Liz Nahar of Tufts Children In Balance program look on. (Top row, center) University of Massachusetts Extension Nutrition Education Program director Pat Bebo and Liz Nahar enjoy Tufts University Research Assistant Bridgid Junot's new baby, Maribel. (Top row, right) Worksite Wellness Coordinator Jasiel Correia II and Healthy Market Coordinator Kristen Gunderson are introduced. (Middle row, left) SMILES Mentoring director of Fall River Operations Katje Fuson laughs out loud as Watson School Principal Nancy Martin-Bernier tells a funny story about her school garden. (Middle row, right) Project Manager Marcia Picard, Viveiros School Principal Deb Bessette and Doran School Principal Maria Pontes also enjoy the story. (Bottom row, left) Maria Pontes and Doran School Vice-Principal Sandy Soderstrom, Tansey School Principal Kristen Farias and Spencer-Borden Principal Marie Woollam share some of their experiences with the project. (Bottom row, center) City Grantwriter Jane Dibiasio and University of Massachusetts Extension Nutrition Education Program Director Pat Bebo respond. (Bottom row, right) Community Development Recreation Executive Director Grace Gerling and Program Director Jamison Souza listen as Greene School vice-principal Tara Gagnon talks about her experiences with the Children In Balance program.

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