Derek Paiva, exercise physiologist with Saint Anne’s Hospital’s Cardiac Rehab program, worked closely with six participants in the recent Fall River Fitness Challenge. Two of the participants volunteered to be photographed in Saint Anne’s Cardiac Rehab suite near the end of their program after both had lost considerable amounts of weight and made substantial lifestyle changes, including quitting smoking. Together, the six participants lost 108.5 lbs., or 8.1 percent of their total body weight. Paiva, who works extensively with patients who have experienced a heart attack or who have other cardiac problems, brought his professional expertise to working with the Fitness Challenge participants. Both programs recommend an individualized approach to weight loss and strength training and have been designed to restore a person to a healthy functioning level that significantly lowers the risk of further cardiac problems. The Fall River Fitness Challenge has encouraged over 1,000 people to make similar changes this year. Heart disease death rates are higher in Bristol and Berkshire counties than they are anywhere else in Massachusetts , though the rate is slightly lower that the nation as a whole (418 vs. 428 deaths per 100,000). For more information about the Saint Anne's program, call 508-674-5600, ext. 2392.

(Top row, left) Fall River Public Works employee Charlie Denmead, who quit smoking several months earlier, weighs in with Saint Anne's Hospital Exercise Physiologist Derek Paiva after losing nearly sixty pounds through the program. (Top row, center) Mr. Paiva describes the excellent results he has seen with the patients who stick with his program. (Top row, right) Derek measures Charlie's chest as part of the careful recording he does of each participant's progress. (Middle row, left and center) Derek measures Roger Gagnon's chest before he gets on the treadmill for a workout designed to raise his heart rate to a specified level. (Middle row, right) Charlie joins Roger on the treadmill. (Bottom row) Roger watches as Charlie demonstrates the improvement in his upper and lower body strength through push-ups and squat-thrusts before Derek takes his photo.

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