The Fitness Challenge began its second Warm-up Challenge series with a sign-up on September 18, 2010, at CD-REC headquarters at 72 Bank Street. Personal trainer Amy Jones of  Where Is The Work-Out met with participants to answer questions and to describe the upcoming events. "The series is designed to help people to get into shape over the coming weeks," commented Jones. Sponsored by the Diabetes Association, Inc. (DAI),  Community Development Recreation (CD-REC), the Fall River YMCA, General Fitness and Healthy City Fall River, the Warm-up signed up over 100 participants for the three-month series. Click here for the Schedule of Events. Click here for Amy's classes. Click here for photos of last year's first Warm-up Sign-in event. For more information, contact CD-REC Program Director Jamison Souza at 508-679-0922 or Healthy City Coordinator Dave Weed at 508-324-2411.


(Top row, left) Personal fitness instructor Amy Jones answers question and explains the program to potential participants. (Top row, center) CD-REC Executive Director Grace Gerling passes out copies of the schedule of upcoming events. (Top row, right) Nutritionist Jessica Williams describes the classes in healthy eating that she will be leading. (Middle row, left) Sandra Moreira talks with Tracy Patton who participated in last year's Challenge. (Middle row, center) Bruno Massa weighs himself prior to participating in the Challenge for the first time. (Middle row, right) CD-REC Program Director Jamison Souza and 2008 Challenge winner and volunteer Daryl Parrent answer questions from a Warm-up participant. (Bottom row, left and center) Daryl assists last year's Challenge participant Deanna Perry fill out her information before speaking with last year's Challenge winner Cliff Read. (Bottom row, right) Zumba instructor Tabitha Gendreau signs people up for her classes.

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