Members of the Greater Fall River Child Protection Council held a special meeting on the topic of over-the-counter (OTC) medication and prescription drug abuse on May 5, 2010, at Stanley Street Treatment and Resources. The event featured three speakers: Tom Pasternak, R.Ph., of Walsh Pharmacy, Karen Fischer of the BOLD Coalition, and Jenna Lagasse of the Power2Save Lives Coalition. Participants learned about the growing danger of substance abuse involving over-the-counter (OTC) medication and prescription drugs, especially among children and adolescents. Mr. Pasternak charged participants with the task of informing parents to be especially careful in the storage of medications that have the potential for abuse. Ms. Fischer talked about the dangers of marijuana in addition to prescription medications. Ms. Lagasse concluded the morning session by covering the current efforts to reduce overdose-related deaths in the area, particularly those involving opioids, including Oxycodon and Pecocet. Click here for photos of last year's breakfast. For further information about the Council, contact Laura Dellaire at People, Inc. at 508-679-3078, ext.115.

(Top row, left) Child Protection Council chairperson Laura Dellaire talks with BOLD Coalition Director Karen Fischer before the program begins. (Top row, center) Ms. Dellaire talks with participants Brooke Pryce, Patricia Martin and Candace Rushton about upcoming Council activities. (Top row, right) Pharmacist Tom Pasternak talks about the changes he has seen in the availability of medications that can be abused. (Middle row, right) Ms. Fischer describes their current campaign to warn against thinking of marijuana as a safe drug. (Bottom row, left) Patrician Martin and Kimberly Seyez listen as Carola Harden, all staff at the Early Head Start Program, makes a point about addiction. (Bottom row, center and right) Ms. Lagasse describes the current epidemic of overdose-related deaths and the Power2Save Lives campaign to address it.

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