On Saturday, May 22, 2010, dozens Fall River residents pitched in to clean-up city parks, including Kennedy Park as part of an day planned by Fall River Park Advocates (Mass In Motion) and the City. Following the clean-ups, all were invited to join a picnic in Kennedy Park put on by Mass In Motion. Neighborhood clean-ups have been scheduled in the Sandy Beach, Father Kelly, Corky Row, Maplewood, Flint, and Meridian Street areas in addition to a City-wide park clean-up scheduled for May 22nd. Tee shirts were also provided and Allied Waste offered to provide free disposal of bulky items and some electronics. Click here to read the announcement. Click here for photos from last year's cleanup. For more information contact Perry Long 508-676-0324. Call the Department of Public Works at 508-324-2584 for information about how the city can assist residents with their own planned cleanup projects. (Photos courtesy of Julie Kelly)

(Top row, left and center) Ashley Carlstrom poses with Parks Advocacy Coordinator Sandy Dennis and Mayor Will Flanagan at the Kennedy Park picnic. (Top row, right) Eileen Raposa and her daughter, Kelsey, enjoy some watermelon. (Middle row, left and center) Joe Torres, Brianna Baillardeon and Skylas Torres of the Family Service after-school program pose for photos. (Middle row, right) Community-Development Recreation staff members Jamison Souza, Jim Tavares, Kashaka Williams, Grace Gerling and Matt Coughlin pose for a photo. (Bottom row, left) The Father Kelly Neighborhood Association group gathers. (Bottom row, center) Towne House members who participated in the clean-up pose. (Bottom row, right) Ashley Carlstrom, Mass In Motion Coordinator Julianne Kelly, Cerrie Estrella and Melanie Souza pose for a photo.

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