The University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth brought over two hundred community leaders, faculty, and students together on April 28, 2010, to consider ways of strengthening social capital in the Southcoast. Social capital refers to stocks of social trust, norms and networks that people can draw upon to solve common problems. Planned by the Center for Civic Engagement at UMD,the summit included a keynote address by Professor of Education and Social Policy John McKnight at Northwestern University and co-director of the Asset-Based Community Development Institute at the Institute for Policy Research. Dr. McKnight has conducted research on social service delivery systems, health policy, and community organizations, and focuses on asset-based neighborhood development. Afternoon workshops focused on policy issues, partnerships and service-learning. Click here for the Herald News article. Click here for the first of four videos of Dr. McKnight's presentation, here for the second, here for the third and here for the last. For more information about the event, contact Deirdre Healy, Director of Service-Learning in the Center for Civic Engagement, at 508-999-8641.

(Top row, left and center) Center for Civic Engagement Assistant Provost Matthew Roy welcomes participants to the Summit at the Woodland Commons. (Top row, right) Dr. Roy, Community Foundation of Southeastern Massachusetts President Craig Dutra, SEPPCE Dean Dr. Ismael Ramirez-Soto, and Fall River Mayor Will Flanagan listens to keynote presenter Dr.John McKnight, co-director of the Asset-Based Community Development Institute at Northwestern University. (Middle row) UMass-Dartmouth Community Service Grant Coordinator Gary Marden applauds Dr. McKnight during his presentation when he eschews PowerPoint visuals in favor of a hand-drawn sketch of a diagram illustrating community assets and stories about asset development. (Bottom row, left) Bristol Community College's Service-Learning Coordinator Dr. Mary Zahm is introduced to Dr. Shannon Jenkins of UMD by Office of Community Service & Partnerships Deirdre Healy. (Bottom row, center) Dr. McKnight speaks with Claudia Kirk of the Greater New Bedford United Way office while Community Economic Development Center Executive Director Corinn Williams looks on. (Bottom row, right) Children In Balance Project Manager Marcia Picard, United Neighbors of Fall River Director Wendy Garf-Lipp and staff members Deborah Orlando and Kristen Gunderson, and Fall River Youth Services Coordinator Christian McCloskey sit together for lunch.

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