On Saturday, May 22, 2010, about twenty-five Fall River residents pitched in to clean-up in the Cook Pond area at the end of Henry Street, an area that is frequently strewn with trash and debris because of its remote location. The area also harbors some of the most scenic views of the Pond. Department of Public Works staff joined in the effort and provided trucks to remove the pile of debris. Neighborhood clean-ups have been scheduled in the Sandy Beach, Father Kelly, Corky Row, Maplewood, Flint, and Meridian Street areas in addition to a City-wide park clean-up scheduled for May 22nd. Allied Waste has offered to provide free disposal of bulky items and some electronics. Click here to read the announcement. Click here for photos from last year's cleanup. For more information contact Perry Long 508-676-0324. Call the Department of Public Works at 508-324-2584 for information about how the city can assist residents with their own planned cleanup projects. (Photos courtesy of Julie Kelly)

(Top row, left and right) Mike Correia from the Council on Aging, Joe Oliveira and Charles Denmead from the Department of Public Works, Mrs. George Jacome meet in front of the post office. (Top row, center) Nathan, Steve, Laura and Rochelle Gaudette help with the clean-up. (Top row, right) Carlos Couto and Joe Costa of Allied Waste stand by to pick up the trash. (Middle row, left and right) Chris Boucher with “Pete” Indyck and Mike Gaudette in the background sweeps up some of the trash along Henry Street as Rochelle and Laura Gaudette rake leaves. (Middle row, center) The Gaudette Family (l-r) Earle, Mike, Denise, David Gaudette and Chris Boucher work as a team. (Bottom row, left) Fall River Youth Corps: Jacob Hidalgo, Geovanny Ramirez, Christopher Chardon and Richard Otero volunteer their labor. (Bottom row, center) Stan (Pete) Indyck, Ron Sevigny, State Representative Kevin Aguiar, and Niagara Neighborhood  Association President Earle Gaudette pose for a photo. (Bottom row, right) Mass In Motion Coordinator Julianne Kelly, South End resident Mary Louise Loveland, Chris Boucher and his dad finish up their work.

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