Mayor William Flanagan held a ceremony in the lobby of Government Center to mark the beginning of Domestic Violence Awareness Month on October 6, 2010. Representatives of the Women's Centers in Fall River and New Bedford joined staff from the District Attorney's office and the director of United Neighbors of Fall River in marking the event and underscoring the need for awareness of both the problem of domestic violence and the efforts underway to reduce its incidence. A “Peace Pole” draped in purple lights was lighted and Mayor Will Flanagan read a proclamation declaring October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The peace pole is meant to show support for the victims and families of domestic violence survivors. The pole will stay lit throughout October to raise awareness about domestic violence. At the event, other speakers included Bristol County District Attorney Samuel C. Sutter, Assistant District Attorney Marnie Peck, United Neighbors of Fall River Executive Director Wendy Garf-Lipp, The Women’s Center Executive Director Pamela Lima MacLeod and SSTAR Director Dale Brown. For more information, contact United Neighbors Director Wendy Garf-Lipp at 508-324-7900.

(Top row, left) Mayor Flanagan greets Deb Almeida and Debbie Kravitz from the District Attorney's Victim Witness Assistance Program. (Top row, center and right) Mayor Flanagan and United Neighbors of Fall River Director Wendy Garf-Lipp note both the continued incidence of violence in the city as well as some of the current efforts to address it. (Middle row, left and right) Fall River Women's Center Program Director Dale Brown and Assistant District Attorney Marnie Peck describe what needs to be done to reduce domestic violence. (Bottom row, left) The New Bedford Women's Center Director Pamela MacLeod-Lima underscores the effects of domestic violence on children. (Bottom row, center) Bristol County District Attorney Sam Sutter praises the work of his staff in effectively prosecuting domestic violence perpetrators. (Bottom row, right) Assistant District Attorney Katie Rayburn applauds the lighting of the Peace Pole to mark the start of Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

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