Mr. Gene P. Alves, President of the Board of Directors of HealthFirst Family Care Center announced on September 9, 2010 that the Health Center has purchased the former Plant M of Quaker Manufacturing located at 387 Quarry Street for its new site. “The new facility will allow us to expand our current services by doubling our medical exam rooms from 13 to 26 and adding five dental operatories for a total of nine in our new facility." noted the Center's CEO Julie Almond. "Our total health center space will increase from the current 10,000 square feet to close to 40,000.”  Financing for the project is provided by BankFive and the Office of Economic Development. In December, 2009 the Department of Health and Human Services (HRSA) awarded $11.5 million in American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funds to HealthFirst Family Care Center to support the development of the Quarry Street facility. HealthFirst was one of only 85, in a field of over 600 applicants nationally, whose application was approved. This award accounts for 88% of the total project cost of $13M. For more information services offered by HealthFirst, call Paula Harrison at 508-679-9376, Ext. 204.

(Top row, left) Center CEO Julie Almond chats with Chairman of the HealthFirst Board of Directors Gene P. Alves, FROED Executive Vice- president Kenneth Fiola and Finance Director Steven Pare prior to the news conference. (Top row, right) Mary Ann Williams of Skanska and Jim Marsh of Columbia Construction chat with HealthFirst Director of Community Relations and Development Paula Harrison. (Middle row) Mayor William Flanagan describes the overall benefits of the new facility to the entire community. (Bottom row) Linda A. Bodenmann , Executive Vice President and COO of Southcoast Health System & Southcoast Hospitals Group, Thomas F. Lyons, CEO and President of Bank Five, and Craig A. Jesiolowski, President of Saint Anne's Hospital point out the cooperative nature of the project.

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