One of more than forty-five Peace Poles created by 25 local organizations was "planted" at Stanley Street Treatment and Resources (SSTAR) on June 30, 2010. The plantings work to create a more peaceful community by raising awareness and promoting empowerment, collaboration and connection to reduce and prevent violence. This planting was organized by members of the GLBTQ (gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and questioning) group that is working with the BOLD Coalition to bring about a non-violent, drug-free community. Other plantings are being organized by United Neighbors director Wendy Garf-Lipp in cooperation with the World Peace Prayer Society. Click here for the March 3rd unveiling ceremony and here for the first official planting in Griffin Park. For more information, contact Lance Tehan at SSTAR at 508-679-5222 or Wendy Garf-Lipp at United Neighbors at  508-324-7900 . 

(Top row) Ryan Kennedy and Jesse Brown read a statement dedicating the Peace Pole to gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and questioning people who may be the object of discrimination or violence. (Middle row) Anthony Carvalho uncovers the pole that has "May Peace Prevail on Earth" written in Russian, Spanish, English, and Portuguese, languages that represent groups connected to SSTAR, as Ray Gordon, Chris Parayno and Susan Wolfson applaud. (Bottom row, left) Ryan "hi-fives" Karen Fischer as Jasiel Correia II and Jesse look on. (Bottom row, center) Ryan Kennedy, Jesse Brown, Alexander Ridrigues, Jasiel Correia II, Maacus Watson, Lance Tehan, Joshua Gove, Lexie, Anthony Carvalho, 'Vinny' Holloway, Ashley Calvin, and Casey Tidwell pose for a group photo behind the pole.

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