Fall River youth and community organization representatives and a former City Councilors gathered on October 20, 2010 at CD-REC to begin planning the upcoming Peace By Piece Summit to be held on Saturday, March 26, 2011 at Kuss Middle School. The planning process is hosted by the Violence Prevention Task Force of United Neighbors. The group first reviewed feedback from last spring's Summit and then began discussion on the use of venue and potential topics of discussion for the day-long conference that will focus on various aspects of violence prevention in the community. Suggestions for possible session topics included bullying and GLBTQ victimization, domestic and gang violence, and personal storytelling. Additional meetings will take place in the coming months, and anyone interested in joining the planning process is urged to contact either United Neighbors director Wendy Garf-Lipp at 508-324-7900 or Youth Services coordinator Christian McCloskey at 508-324-2419.

(Top row, left) United Neighbors director Wendy Garf-Lipp talks with CD-REC program director Jamison Souza as Betty Lord waits for the start of the meeting. (Top row, right) Deborah Orlando Mercedes Riggins of Kool Smiles,  and Youth Services Coordinator Christian McCloskey listen as Peaceful Coalition advisor Tom Khoury leads off the discussion. (Middle row, left) B.M.C. Durfee High School student advisor Michaela Gagne comments on last year's Summit while Stephanie Joyal of the Katie Brown Educational Program listens. (Middle row, right) AmeriCorps volunteer Syed Zaman of the Boys and Girls Club makes a suggestion for a possible topic. (Bottom row, left) Corky Row Neighborhood Association president Carmen Andino listens as Fall River Community Television videographer Steve Camara suggests other groups that could be involved in the Summit. (Bottom row, center) Wendy Garf-Lipp responds to the group's suggestions before scheduling the next meeting. (Bottom row, right) United Neighbors AmeriCorps volunteer Beth Ayer makes a suggestion for including a poetry slam as part of the Summit as Kristen Gunderson of United Neighbors takes minutes of the meeting.

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