The B.O.L.D. (Building Our Lives Drug-free) Coalition and the Power 2Save Lives Coalition were on hand at the Fall River Police station on September 25, 2010 for the first national prescription medication take-back event. Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Justice, the event was a first-time collaborative effort among state and local law enforcement agencies to remove potentially dangerous controlled substances from household medicine cabinets. The National Take-Back Day gave anyone who wanted to the opportunity to turn in expired, unwanted or unused prescription medications for safe disposal. Such medications are often taken by young people who are unaware of the risks of potential serious harm that they pose. The program was anonymous and open to anyone regardless of residence. "Many people are not aware of how to properly dispose of these substances," noted BOLD Coalition Director Craig Gaspard. BOLD is interested in getting all types of medication out of the hands of young people. Click here for a similar event that BOLD sponsored. For more information, call Mr. Gaspard at 508-324-3537 or Ms. Lagasse at 508-324-2415.

(Top row) Sherry Silvester of Fall River comes to the Fall River police station and talks with BOLD executive director Craig Gaspard and Power 2 Save Lives Coalition director Jenna Lagasse. (Middle row, left) Ronald Mathieu of Fall River receives some information about the prescription medication take-back effort. (Middle row, right) Fall River Police Officer David Lafleur of the Special Operation Division holds some of the prescription medications that were turned in during the event. (Bottom row) Mr. Gaspard goes over some of the information that he and Ms. Lagasse distributed during the take-back event.

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