Senior citizens from Fall River and surrounding towns gathered at the Veterans' Memorial on Bank Street to dance to live music by Al Deston and the Aristocats on February 26, 2010. This was the second in a series of dances scheduled by Community Development Re-creation (CD-REC), a government-funded recreation program that operates in the Bank Street facility. Several member of the Fall River YouthBuild program, which also operates in the facility, joined the fun and requested dances with several of the seniors. Senior dances are a regular part of the CD-REC schedule and provide a terrific opportunity for older persons to get some moderate exercise while enjoying a fun social event. One of the participants, 96-year-old Jose Ignacio of New Bedford, goes dancing every week. For more information about the dances, contact CD-REC executive director Grace Gerling at 508-679-0922.


(Top row, left) Marie-Louise Loveland of Fall River talks with Dave Dennis as YouthBuild youth put out the refreshments. (Top row, center) Blanche Ryan, Emily Cordeiro and Doris Sperduti chat at their table while the dancers fill the floor. (Top row, right) Ninety-six-year-old Jose Ignacio of New Bedford dances with Theresa Massey of Bristol, RI. (Middle row, left) Alice Taylor of Bristol and Gary Jennings of Westport chat during a break. (Middle row, center) Margaret Bishop dances with Norm Casey, both of Fall River. (Middle row, right) Al Deston plays some familiar tunes on his keyboard. (Bottom row, left and right) YouthBuild students Christian Berrios and Adam Rapoza vie for the opportunity to dance with Dorothy Caron after she dances with Paul Santos of YouthBuild. (Bottom row, center) CD-REC Executive Director Grace Gerling poses with Senior Aide Pauline Megna who helps to organize the dances.

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