YEAH! (Youth Experiencing Artistic Hope), which originated out of the Mission-Vision Committee of the B.O.L.D. (Building Our Lives Drug-free) Coalition, sponsored a Found Art Project at the City-wide parks clean-up on May 22, 2010, as a way to involve young people in artistic endeavors. Working in the Kennedy Park pavilion with items recovered during a city-wide clean-up, youth were able to assemble a giant figure using only their imagination and skills. Some of the trash used in the sculpture was from around the Durfee High School art rooms, but the rest of it was collected in the Dickenson Street marsh area, the Hiatt Street cul de sac, and on Jefferson Street  leading to Dave's Beach. The project was conceived by the YEAH! board and carried out with the help of B.M.C. Durfee art teacher Brenda Gaudette. YEAH! began its work to encourage more youth to become involved in the arts last year with a breakfast fundraiser held at the Eagle Performing Arts Center. For further information, contact BOLD staff member contact Susan Wolfson at Stanley Street Treatment & Resources, 508-235-7032. (Photos courtesy of Julie Kelly)

(Top row, left and right) Working with a garbage can, discarded bottles, plastic bags and other items, Angela Sowersby, Veronica Raposo and Durfee High School Art Teacher Brenda Gaudette begin to craft the sculpture. (Top row, center) Veronica Raposo, Brenda Gaudette, Brenda Gaudette and Angela Sowersby pose with the completed work. (Middle row, center) William Cloutier joins the group as he poses in front of the sculpture. (Bottom row) Department of Public Works staff Bill Kwarcinski, David Lapointe and Tony Garcia carry the finished piece to a truck that will transport it to Government Center where it will be on display.

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