The Youth CHOICES task force (Community building and mobilization for Healthy youth development through positive Opportunities, Intervention and prevention, Collaboration, Empowerment and Support to ensure Success) held its fourth meeting on March 4, 2010 at CD-REC to exchange information and to plan around four areas. The group divided into four "affinity groups," covering  youth leadership, GED, law enforcement and prevention. The task force is also working on an application for the second two-year award of the 100 Best Communities for Youth and Promise Places. At its first organizing meeting on December 2, 2009, representatives of over a dozen groups reported on their current activities and upcoming plans. At its second meeting on January 6, 2010, the Youth of the Year competition and the appointment of youth delegates to the City Council, School Committee, and the Park board were discussed. For more information about the project contact co-chairs  Christian McCloskey at 508-324-2419, or Jamison Souza at 508-679-0922.

(Top row left) Making Proud Choices director Sarah Jeffries, Massachusetts Promise Fellow Annemarie Sharkey, LEADS program coordinator Jarrad Plante, Jamison Souza, Boys' and Girls' Club social recreation director Monica Tavares, and Peaceful Coalition coordinator Ine Ogagon meet to discuss youth leadership. (Top row, center) Fall River Youth CHOICES co-chairs Jamison Souza and Christian McCloskey ask the group to break up into three task force sessions before reporting back at the end of the meeting. (Top row, right) Kate Pelitano of the Bristol Workforce Investment Board and Lynne Davis of My Turn listen as Susan Price of Mass Info Tech get instructions from Mr. Souza on planning around GED issues. (Middle row, left) South Bay Mental Health director Marie Chase listens as Children In Balance project manager Marcia Picard, seated next to United Neighbors program assistant Kristen Gunderson, makes a suggestion during the prevention group. (Middle row, right) Nancy DeMello of the District Attorney's office and Brian Montalvo of the Fall River Youth Court listen to the discussion. (Bottom row, center) BMC HealthNet Plan representative Brenda Viveiros and Marie Chase listen as BOLD Communities Mobilizing for Change on Alcohol (CMCA) Youth Services Administrative Assistant Jade Nieuwenhuizen makes a point. (Bottom row, left) A representative of the District Attorney's office listens as Fall River Police Department officer John Lapointe gives feedback from the law enforcement affinity group.


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