Ten city youth received training to prepare them to be sworn in and to serve on the City Council, School Committee, Parks Board and the Library Board on January 5, 2010 at the Viveiros School. Students from B.M.C Durfee and Diman Regional Vocational Technical high schools applied for and were selected for the first-ever posts. The School Committee, City Council and Park Board will each be joined by two youth delegates, and a single delegate will serve on the Library Board of Trustees. Six alternates have also been selected in the event others are unable to serve at any point. The training included instruction on Robert’s Rules of Order and good advice from both Mayor Will Flanagan and School Committee member Mark Costa about how best to serve, Two of the youth were then sworn in at the School Committee meeting held on January 11, 2010. Click here for the Herald News article. For more information about the project contact Youth CHOICES co-chairs  Christian McCloskey at 508-324-2419, or Jamison Souza at 508-679-0922. (Photos courtesy of Nick Farias.)

(Top row, left) Gabe Andrade of People Inc. speaks to the youth and hands out Robert Rules of Order books to the youth delegates as School Committeeman Mark Costa looks on. (Top row, center and right) Mayor Flanagan speaks to the youth delegates, reminding them that he is not much older than they are and suggesting that together they can make a difference in the community. (Middle row, left) Gabe Andrade tells a funny story on the Robert Rules of Order. (Middle row, right) School Committeemen Shawn Cadime and Robert Maynard listen to student delegate Kayla Arruda during the School Committee meeting. (Bottom row, left) Jared Robinson and School Committeeman Joe Martins discuss being on the School Committee. (Bottom row, center) Mayor Flanagan swears in Kayla Arruda to the School Committee. (Bottom row, right) Jared Robinson is also sworn in by Mayor Flanagan 



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