The 21st Century programs that operate in the William S. Greene Elementary School this summer offer a wide variety of educational opportunities that extend learning and enhance student health. Coordinated by Beverly Pavao, the federally-funded program helps students meet state and local student standards in core academic subjects, such as reading and math; offers students a broad array of enrichment activities that can complement their regular academic programs; and offers literacy and other educational services to the families of participating children. Offerings during the summer include a computer, dance, math, music, cooking and physical education classes. A dental hygienist from HealthFirst Family Care Center also routinely offers dental services to students as part of the program. Click here for photos of a planning session with program staff. For more information about the program, contact Beverly Pavao at 508-491-4822 or her cell number, 508-864-1883.


(Top row, left) Math instructor Debra McCarthy works with students on a computer project. (Top row, center) Brianna Philbrook leads students through a geometry exercise. (Top row, right) Kevin Boulay takes students through a music lesson with their guitars. (Middle row, left) Rita Mendonca gets ready to put a student baking project in the oven. (Middle row, center and right) Dance instructor Coleen Farrissy and Kelly Souza leads children in a vigorous workout with a variety of dance moves set to music. (Bottom row, left) Futsol instructors, including Matt Baluch (right), combine physical education and math instruction. (Bottom row, center and right) HealthFirst Family Care Center dental hygienist Sue Belmore cleans fourth-grader Alyssa Sherman who attend the Letourneau Elementary School. 

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