The City of Fall River and SSTAR, an addiction treatment and health care center, recently launched a program called Project Assist under the Community Resilience and Recovery Initiative (CRRI). The program, funded by a $5.6 million, four-year grant from SAMSHA, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, provides counseling and treatment services for residents affected by the bad economy. “The program is designed to strengthen our community resources now, while we are struggling with rising unemployment rates and poverty, so that we will be better prepared for the economy of our future,” said Nancy Paull, CEO of SSTAR. There are three major components of the program: 1) screening for substance abuse or mental health problems, 2) projects to help access and treat people affected by traumatic experiences, and 3) development of projects that help fortify the larger community, such as community gardening projects, drama and discussion, meditation or fitness classes, community art/therapy projects, and healthy living groups. The center anticipates screening 9,200 people, or ten percent of the city's population, through this program. They expect about 30 percent of those people who participate in the initial treatment will go on to participate in longer term counseling at SSTAR. Click here for photos of the community board meeting. For more information, contact Paula Beaulieu at 508-837-6957.

(Top row) CRRI case manager/screeners Nancy Jones and Laura Washington talk with and individual in the lobby of Government Center where they have been available for several days to speak with potential applicants. (Bottom row, left) Nancy Jones talks with two ladies who were just curious about the program but did not want to apply. (Bottom row, right) CRRI grant administrator Erica Moniz works out of the Mayor's Office to coordinate the project.

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