Team captains in the Fall River Fitness Challenge were invited to learn how to report team member progress at Community Development Recreation, Challenge headquarters, on February 16, 2011. webmaster Beth Ayer and Fitness Challenge statistician Annemarie Sharkey met with captains of some of the 45 teams that have registered for the Challenge. Captains are required to log into the web site to report team member weights every two weeks during the four-month challenge. "It's really not hard at all," said Sandra Resendes of Citizens-Union Bank. "Once I created a user name and password, it was simple to enter the team member weights," she added. After Beth walked the captains through the log-in process, Annemarie went over the Challenge benefits and gave them copies of program information and calendars. "The process has gone a lot smoother this year," said Annemarie. "I think people are learning what to do and how to make the system work for them," she concluded. Sponsored by the Diabetes Association, Inc. (DAI),  Community Development Recreation (CD-REC), the Fall River YMCA, General Fitness and Healthy City Fall River, and supported by grants from the United Way of Greater Fall River and Partners for a Healthier Community, the Challenge offers low cost opportunities for those who live, work or attend school in Fall River to get fit, lose weight, have fun and win prizes. For more information, contact Beth Ayer at United Neighbors of Fall River, 508-324-7900 or Annemarie Sharkey at Call CD-REC, 508-679-0922 or log onto


(Top row, left) Beth Ayer helps Sandra Resendes, team captain at Citizens-Union Bank, and Janet Payer, filling in for Family Service Association team captain Sue Potvin, with logging into the web page. (Top row, center) Fitness Challenge statistician Annemarie Sharkey goes over the process of entering team member weights with Sandra. (Bottom row, left) Beth shows the team captains how to access information on the Fitness Challenge web page, such as the calendar of events and links to nutrition and fitness resources. (Bottom row, right) Annemarie goes over some of the printed information about the Challenge that Janet can take back to her worksite.

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