The 27th Annual Holiday Children's Parade stepped off from Kennedy Park shortly after 12:30 p.m. on a sunny but cool December 4th afternoon following the arrival of Santa and Mrs. Claus by helicopter. The parade featured gigantic helium balloons of Santa Claus and other characters as well as marching bands from Somerset, Berkley, Dighton-Rehoboth, Dartmouth and Tiverton high schools. Nearly one hundred groups from local schools and organizations also marched along the mile-long parade route along South Main Street to Government Center. "I think the crowds were the largest we've ever seen," remarked CD-REC executive director Grace Gerling, one of the principal organizers of the event who also organized a holiday event the next day at her facility on Bank Street. Click here for the Herald News article. Click here to see all 48 photos of the parade. Click here for the video of this year's parade, and here for photos of last year's parade. Contact Grace Gerling at 508-679-022 for more information.

(Top row, left) Santa and Mrs. Claus walk from their helicopter to the awaiting crowd at Kennedy Park. (Top row, center) Daniel Carrion, Sheila Carreiro and Christian Boucher, all 17-year-old Durfee High School students, carry the banner at the front of the parade. (Top row, right) Rev. Robert Lawrence sits atop one of the VIP vehicles at the start of the parade. (Row two, left and center) Members of the National Guard lead off the parade followed shortly by  Mayor William Flanagan, State Representatives Paul Schmid and David Sullivan, and City Councilor Ray Mitchell. (Row two, right) Three-year-old Trista Correa sits between her mother, Crystal, and friend Paul St. Germain. (Row three, left) Jay-in Lewis, center, holds on tight to her partner in line. (Row three, center) Doran Elementary School principal Maria Pontes walks with some of her students. (Row three, right) The Cycling Murrays play flutes while riding bicycles and unicycles. (Row four, center) Lori Ferreira leads students from the Breaking Point Dance Studio. (Row four, right) Kaitlyn Sheehan holds one end of the Somerset High School banner. (Row five, left) Students and instructors from Envy Gymnastics in Tiverton march with colorful balloons. (Row five, center) Flint Neighborhood Association president, Carlos Cesar and his wife, Natalia, pose in their 1890s costume. (Bottom row, center and right) Durfee High School Band Director Mr. Matt MacMullen watches as the band passes by on the way to Government Center where members of the color guard lead the procession.

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