The Office of Mayor Will Flanagan declared the month of January, 2011, Department of Public Works Month. Mayor Flanagan praised the work of Community Maintenance Director Kenneth Pacheco and his staff for their continued hard work, dedication, and efforts in improving the quality of life in the City of Fall River. "Our DPW employees, 365 days a year, are outside working hard on behalf of the citizens of Fall River,” said Flanagan. “Rain, sleet, snow or shine, our DPW employees are out doing their job improving the quality of life for the people of our city.” Director Kenneth Pacheco said that the DPW staff work continuously, seven days a week, to keep the roads clear of snow, pick up garbage, and maintain City property. "People don't realize the amount of work they perform," said Pacheco, thanking the Mayor for the recognition. About a dozen workers drove DPW trucks to the area between the Post Office and Government Center for the 20-minute news event. Click here for the Herald News article. For services from the Department of Community Maintenance, send a request using this form.

(Top row) Department of Public Works employees gather behind Mayor William Flanagan at a press conference organized next to Government Center with DPW vehicles in the background. (Middle row, left and right) Mayor Flanagan praises Department employees for their dedication before introducing Community Maintenance Director Kenneth Pacheco who also thanked his employees. (Middle row, center) Driver Timmy Oldrid carefully maneuvers a Community Maintenance truck into place. (Bottom row, left and center) Mayor Flanagan hands a document proclaiming January 2011 DPW Month in the City to 28-year veteran Edwin Riley. (Bottom row, right) Mayor Flanagan shakes hands with John Correiro, thanking him for his service.

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