Community leaders from a broad range of agencies marked the beginning of Domestic Violence Awareness Month at the Fall River Government Center atrium on October 5, 2011. Representatives of United Neighbors of Fall River, SSTAR Women’s Center, The New Bedford Women’s Center, South Coastal Legal Services, The Fall River Domestic Violence Coalition, the Fall River V-Day Committee, The Katie Brown Education Program and the Military and Family Support Center were on hand to participate and offer information about their services. Mayor William Flanagan described his experience in working with domestic violence cases as an attorney and noted that "this gathering shows victims of domestic violence that they are not alone." Dale Brown, director of the Women's Center at SSTAR, and Pam MacLeod-Lima of the Fall River/New Bedford Women's Center were among the speakers. Interactive displays included The Clothesline Project-Tee shirt making, DV Myths and Facts, Information about sexual harassment, relationship violence, masks, stories and books made by domestic violence survivors, and a display and information on human trafficking. Click here for the Herald News article. For more information, contact United Neighbors Director Wendy Garf-Lipp at 508-324-7900.

(Top row, left) Deanne Gomes-Stanley looks over some o the interactive displays in the atrium of Government Center. (Top row, center) Katie Brown Education Program founder and Fall River cardiologist Jay Schachne, M.D. talks with  Pam MacLeod-Lima, director of the Fall River/New Bedford Women's Center. (Top row, right) Rebecca Jenniings stands next to her table displaying information about the Military and Family Support Center that provides domestic violence counseling services to families in the armed forces. (Row two) Mayor William Flanagan describes his experience in working with domestic violence victims. (Row three) United Neighbors of Fall River Director Wendy Garf-Lipp talks about the high numbers of domestic violence incidents in Fall River; SSTAR Women's Center Director Dale Brown notes that domestic violence victims also include men and seniors; and performer Annemarie Sharkey gives a dramatic reading from the V-Day Monologues. (Bottom row, left and center) Katie Brown Educational Program educator James Lawrence and event co-chair Rebecca Arruda make some concluding remarks. (Bottom row, right) Fall River Youth Coordinator Christian McCloskey receives a lapel ribbon marking Domestic Violence Awareness from Wendy Garf-Lipp.

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