Fall River Community Television (FRC-TV) broadcasts locally-produced television shows on on cable television Channel 95 as part of its commitment to civic engagement. Greater Fall River Partners for a Healthier Community steering committee members Pat Bebo, Wendy Garf-Lipp, Marcia Picard, Jamison Sousa and David Weed took advantage of that offer to produce its first half-hour show at their Bristol Community College studios on October 3, 2011. The panel covered activities related to the farmers markets school nutrition and wellness policies, worksite wellness, the Fitness Challenge and other activities sponsored through Partners, "We also saw this as a great way to tell people about our upcoming Legislative Breakfast as well as to highlight some of the activities in which we're engage to improve the health of the community," commented steering committee chairperson Garf-Lipp. "We're so busy making things happen that we don't often take the time to tell the larger community about it," she added. The program will air a number of times on Channel 95 over the month of October 2011. Click here for the version of the show. For more information about producing cable television shows, contact FRC-TV’s Director of Television Services Keith Thibault at 508.678.2811 EXT. 2354. (Photos courtesy of Keith Thibeault)


(Top row, left) Fall River artist Bill Murphy gets some last minute pointers on camera work from FRC-TV director Keith Thibault. (Top row, center) FRC-TV technician Steve Rys gets ready in the control room for the taping after giving United Neighbors of Fall River AmeriCorps intern Eitan Levine some last-minute instruction on the camera. (Middle row) School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard and United Families of Fall River Executive Director Wendy Garf-Lipp lead off the discussion. (Bottom row) UMass Extension Nutrition Education Project Leader Pat Bebo and Healthy City Fall River Coordinator David Weed are queried by Community Development Re-creation Program Director and Partners Vice-chairman Jamison Souza.



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